From the power plant to the thermostat.
Storage facilities
- Solutions for real energy revolution
- State-of-the-art know-how
- Portfolio of all storage technologies
Heat and power
Storage technologies are becoming more and more important due to volatile power generation from renewable sources. While only heat accumulators were available for a long time as economical components of CHP processes, the use of storage facilities has increased in conjunction with diverse energy conversion processes.
BLS gives these technologies a high priority for the future, and is always gaining an ever increasing wealth of experience in this realm.
Heat accumulators:
- Power to Heat: Conversion of excess power into heat
- Accumulator for overproduced solar energy
- Accumulator with separation of power and heat simultaneously produced
Cold accumulators:
- Ice storage reservoirs
- Peak cogeneration
- Bulk reservoir for redundancy
- Gas storage
Power to gas:
- Electrolysis - hydrogen production - Reconversion into electricity
- Compressed air reservoir: The air is compressed by excess power and released again for power generation