BLS' News
Freshly squeezed for you.

EUREF Campus Berlin - GASAG company Headquarter
The EUREF campus in Berlin, Schöneberg already today is a smart city of tomorrow and achieves the...

BTB GmbH – Innovative CHP installation
BTB GmbH is an operator of energy generation plants and grids in decentral situations throughout...

Spandau Hospital – Modernization of refrigeration system
Vivantes - Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH is modernizing the cooling infrastructure at the Spandau...
Danpower - Innovative CHP installation
In July 2020, BLS was contracted by DANPOWER GmbH for systems engineering of an innovative CHP...

EUREF Campus Düsseldorf
EUREF Campus Düsseldorf – The next phase of EUREF Campus Berlin

Climate protection plan 2030 – City of Frankfurt Main
The City of Frankfurt am Main aims to perform an entire switch to renewable energies by 2050.

EUREF Energiewerkstatt by Gasag Solution Plus
Gasag Solution Plus as the contracted energy supplier of the EUREF Campus (prospected floor area...

Energy concept for the after-use of Berlin Tegel
BLS was contracted by the bidding consortium of E.ON SE and Berliner Stadtwerke to provide...
Pilot plant of a high-temperature thermal storage system
Lumenion GmbH develops high temperature storage system, aiming at establishing a solution for the...

100 % Climate Protection Master Plan Municipality
The state capital Potsdam is one of 22 master plan municipalities, that are supported by the...
Planning contract for the laboratory at the Research Center Borstel
In January, the Research Center Borstel advertised a competiton for their new laboratory at...

Research at BLS
The commitment to the Mobility 2 Grid reseach project within the SINTEG came just before the end of...
BLS involved in SINTEG - WindNODE
Within the research SINTEG (of the BMWi), the BLS Energieplan GmbH is cooperation partner of the...

Succesfull competition in Essen
BLS Energieplan GmbH first place in a Europe-wide solicitation competition for the new...
BLS recieved orter for the Clay-Schule, Berlin-Neukölln
For the replacement of the Clay high in Berlin-Neukölln, the engineering is assigned to the BLS...

Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program
Developement of measures on the path to a climte neutral Berlin 2050, was the ask for the Berlin...
German property developer prize for modernization 2015
The award of the german property developer price was handed to a housing construction site, for...

Summer School
Federeal minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier opens the german russian summer school at the...