Construction of an office building in the EUREF Campus, Schöneberg, Berlin. The new building comprises of a singlestorey underground garage, a ground floor with a central entrance area and further eight upper floors for flexible office use. The elliptical building structure features total rental area of approx. 5,272 m².
For the construction of the builing, the LEED "Gold" certification level on the basis of the LEED 2009 CS certification system (Core and Shell Development) was intended. To reach this aim, BLS Energieplan GmbH created an energy concept which provides limit values for the primary energy factor as well as the technical data of the building.
Heat and cold energy supply of the EUREF Campus occurs in a CO2-neutral manner via a biogas-fired CHP (cogeneration plant) in combination with peak load boilers and turbo chillers. These are constructed and operated by GASAG as a contractor.